If you have an IRS Payment due on 10/16 and plan to pay online, this applies to you:
It has come to our attention that the “IRS Direct Pay won’t accept more than two payments within a 24-hour period”. Click here for IRS Website Information.
If you have multiple payments to make, please be sure to process your 2022 tax return balance due payment first.
For “2023 Estimated Payments” ONLY that are due on the same date please combine the estimated amounts due into one transaction/payment. As long as the money is classified as “estimates for 2023” that is how the IRS will apply the payment.
10/16/23: $100.00
10/16/23 $200.00
10/16/23 $50.00
1/16/24 $500.00
Payment should be classified as “estimates for 2023” in the amount of $350.00 which is the sum of all payments due on 10/16/23. (100+200+50= 350)
Should you have questions regarding payments please give us a call at 831-620-0811.
The Vanderbilt Team