We want to take this opportunity to remind you of the process for Vanderbilt CPAs accessing your “MyFTB” accounts and make you aware of some updated Federal and California filing dates.
Why does Vanderbilt access your account?
We access your account to confirm that the amounts that the FTB has credited to your account agrees to your records and ours. It saves significant time now and avoids unwanted correspondence with the FTB later.
Franchise Tax Board – Accessing “MyFTB”
You will receive a letter from the FTB indicating someone has accessed your account with them. The probability is the person is one of the VCPA team members.
What will the letter look like?
The letter will be titled “Access Granted to Your MyFTB Account” and will contain your name, your FTB account number and a brief paragraph notifying you of who has accessed your account and how long that person has access to your account.
What if you do not recognize the person who has accessed your account?
Vanderbilt staff accesses your account to confirm tax payments made and other information related to your tax return. It may be any one of us: Jan Vanderbilt, Tom Atherton, Carmen (Carmine) Lepiane, Piper Magallanes, Angie Negrete or Kyle Shatraw. We are attempting to streamline the process by requesting information early this year. If the FTB reports access to your account by someone other than Vanderbilt staff, please notify us immediately and we will help you with the “next steps”.
Document dated 12/20/2016